The rules for Rogaining in Australia and the rules for Rogaining internationally have slight differences caused only by domestic and international considerations - they are basically identical. They are also confusing when trying to ascertain why Solo Rogaining is banned. We will focus on the Australian rules.
Rogaining is an amateur sport to be enjoyed by social and competitive participants - according to the very first sentence in the Rules. All sports are competitive, so "social" seems to be the most important word in the definition of Rogaining.
The next sentence in the rules says "these technical regulations (Rules) have been drafted with simplicity and enjoyment as primary guides". A bit later in the Preamble to the Rules it says "Many of the competition rules relate to safety".
So the rules basically say that Rogaining is a social sport with simple rules ensuring enjoyment and safety.
You can read the rules for yourself by clicking the following links -

The brief answer is "Not easily, but yes, the rules can be changed to allow Solo Rogaining". There is nothing actually mentioned in the Rules of Rogaining that specify how the rules can be changed - unfortunately.
The Preamble to the Rules of Rogaining says that management committees of state associations can change any of the rules for non-championship events, and may even change the rules for state championships if they have compelling reasons to do so.
This means that Solo Rogaining could be allowed in all events, including 12 hour, 24 hour and state championships, and Solo Rogaining can be allowed in Australian Championships if the relevant state association requests it and the ARA approves.
The Preamble to the Rules of Rogaining allows state committees to ignore Rule #1 - A team shall consist of two, three, four or five members - and some Rogaining associations have chosen to invoke the Preamble, bypass Rule #1 and allow Solo Rogaining in some short rogaines.
Rule #1 is described in the rules as being "fundamental to the continued survival of the sport" - see Paragraph 7 of the Preamble - yet some associations still allow Solo Rogaining! Why would they do that? What would they only do it for short rogaines and not all rogaines?
Although there is no actual reference to Solo Rogaining in the rules, what can we find in the rules that can explain why Solo Rogaining is not allowed? And what can we find in the rules to explain why rogaining in teams is "fundamental to the survival of the sport"?
Perhaps if the rules were focussed on the expansion of the sport and not just its survival, Solo Rogaining would be embraced!
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